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Frequently asked questions

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Which hotel or city is your question about?

Which hotel or city is your question about?

We don't provide safe in our rooms. Please contact the front desk for more informations.

We don't have any promo code at the moment.
The best offers are always available on this chat.

Which hotel or city is your question about?

Which hotel or city is your question about?

Which hotel or city is your question about?

We're committed to environmental stewardship. Our bars operate on a cashless system, lights automatically turn off when motion is not detected, and we provide recycling bins exclusively to encourage sustainability efforts.

Our bathrooms in private rooms only are equipped with: soap, shower gel and shampoo. We also provide towels and the hair dryer (upon request).
At Jo&Joe Roma hair dryers can be provided with a 20 EUR deposit.
Towels rental for other room types:
Paris Gentilly, Paris Nation, Hossegor, and Roma: 4 EUR per day
Vienna: 2 EUR per day

Save up to 40% on promotional offers, exclusively for members of ALL ACCOR.
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• To join our loyalty program, click here

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